[Distutils] Running 'ldconfig' after install command

Milinda Pathirage milinda.pathirage at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 10:45:16 CEST 2008

Hi all,
I'am developing a extension for Python using C library. I have correctly
follow the steps described in docs and now the setup is working fine. But
the problem is we have some libraries deployed in a custom location other
than /usr/lib or any other default location. So at the installation time I
am copying a configuration file containing library location to
/etc/ld.so.conf.d. But after copying this I have to run ldconfig to make
system pickup the libraries. Can any one please suggest a method that I can
run ldconfig when the instllation is finished (As the last step of
installation run the ldconfig.).

Thanks in advance

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