[Distutils] Empty directories in eggs

Michael Jones m.pricejones at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 11:13:33 CET 2008


There was a post a while back about this (I've included it below) but
I can't find any follow up. Is this possible? I'd like to include a
folder structure in an egg that can then be copied out to make a
template for people to start using.

I can script it but the structure includes files and it would be so
much easier to maintain them in there original form instead of doing
the folder creation and copying the files into the right locations.
I've had no luck finding the answers else where.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Orginal post ------------------------------


I tried to build an egg from this tag, using bdist_egg and sdist:


However, the packaged egg lost several directories, such as:


These are empty, but under version control. To get them into the egg (I
need it because it's part of a Paste Script template which expects the
empty directories to be there), I had to add some mostly-empty (if
slightly useful) README.txt files (on the 0.6 tag).

Bug or feature? ;-)


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