[Distutils] easy_install adds bad interpreter shebang to installed scripts

Felix Schwarz felix.schwarz at web.de
Thu Dec 18 16:20:28 CET 2008

Phillip J. Eby schrieb:
> At 10:17 PM 12/17/2008 +0100, Felix Schwarz wrote:
>> Ian Bicking schrieb:
>>> Does this work?
>>> #!/usr/bin/env "/path/to/weird path/python"
>> No (at least not for me).
> Did you actually try that, as opposed to the version you showed before?  
> There *is* a difference.

Of course I tried. :-)
I just tried again and it still does not work. However I noticed that it 
works without any quoting for me too. Which I thought I tried before...

So for me (using Fedora Linux with Python 2.5, nothing unusual) the 
solution would be to add
/usr/bin/env <unquoted path>

Probably this is the way to go forward. Let's see if the behavior is 
different for BSDs (I have neither a Mac nor any BSD-based system 
available right now).


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