[Distutils] easy_install adds bad interpreter shebang to installed scripts

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Dec 17 22:29:54 CET 2008

At 03:00 PM 12/17/2008 -0600, Ian Bicking wrote:
>Does this work?
>#!/usr/bin/env "/path/to/weird path/python"

Depends on the Unix, unfortunately.  Some would need it without the 
quotes to work, and some probably won't work with or without it.

My point was more that it should at least try for something specific, 
i.e. python2.5, rather than just 'python', and perhaps verify that 
searching PATH for that string yields sys.executable.  If not, then 
you already know it's not going to work right, and you might as well 
issue a warning right away. 

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