[Distutils] easy_install adds bad interpreter shebang to installed scripts

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Dec 17 21:50:31 CET 2008

At 06:15 PM 12/17/2008 +0100, Felix Schwarz wrote:

>Index: setuptools/command/easy_install.py
>--- setuptools/command/easy_install.py  (Revision 67824)
>+++ setuptools/command/easy_install.py  (Arbeitskopie)
>@@ -1418,8 +1418,12 @@
>          if options: options = ' '+options
>      if wininst:
>          executable = "python.exe"
>+    elif sys.platform=='win32':
>+        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
>+    elif ' ' in executable:
>+        executable = '/usr/bin/env python'
>      else:
>-        executable = nt_quote_arg(executable)
>+        executable = executable
>      hdr = "#!%(executable)s%(options)s\n" % locals()
>      if unicode(hdr,'ascii','ignore').encode('ascii') != hdr:
>          # Non-ascii path to sys.executable, use -x to prevent warnings

I'm okay with the change in principle, but in practice, just dropping 
to "/usr/bin/env python" isn't acceptable.  It should point env to 
the specific sys.executable, just like the "fix_jython_executable()" 
function does.

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