[Distutils] Newbie question : Use of external packages + re-use of other code

Benedikt.Naessens at niko.be Benedikt.Naessens at niko.be
Wed Dec 10 16:59:22 CET 2008

I want to make a Windows installer - using distutils - for the Python
code I have made so far. Related to this, I have some questions about
the "best way" to do this. The project is a test platform that should be
used for internal use in our company.

What are my problems ?
* I am using Nose, PyQt etc. : how do I make sure that these packages
are installed with my installer ? The main problem is here that most of
the PC's in the company are behind a firewall that not allows them to
download these packages from the internet (internet browsers are handled
by a remote desktop)
* Maybe related to the previous issue : I have written a plugin for
Nose; this plugin needs to be "registered" with Nose (manually I do this
with easy_install); can I do this also with distutils ?
* I am also using SWIG for some code written in C++. I have already read
the documentation of distutils where they advise me to build my code
with distutils. Problem is that this C++ project is already rather large
and that the .pyd is already generated (so I'd rather would not like to
declare all my .i and .cpp files in a setup.py file). Do I have to
include the generated .pyd, .lib and .py as "package data" into setup.py
or are there better ways ?

Maybe this sounds trivial to a lot of you, but as I am using Python for
1.5 months, I'd like to have some help from specialists ...

Thanks in advance !

Kind regards,
Benedikt Naessens.

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