[Distutils] Distutils / Setuptools on Windows: Can we use local or UNC filesystems as an argument to --find-links

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Aug 12 17:14:57 CEST 2008

At 03:46 PM 8/12/2008 +0100, Fadhley Salim wrote:
>Has anybody had any luck using the --find_options argument to
>easy_install with a local folder (e.g. on a Windows C: Drive) or a
>network folder, for example
>easy_install --find-links="http://server/egs" myegg==1.0.1
>( that sort of thing works fine )

So should this:

>easy_install --find-links="c:\myeggs\" myegg==1.0.1

The file:// urls can work too, but they work differently than just 
using a directory filename; they'll be checked at a later stage of 
processing.  And of course, they're harder to get right.  :)

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