[Distutils] Setuptools Bug: all files installed +x

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Apr 21 21:42:53 CEST 2008

At 03:24 PM 4/21/2008 -0400, Pete wrote:
>On both linux & OS X, Setuptools installs all .py/.pyc files with mode
>a+x (executable for all users).  This occurs regardless of original
>the permissions in the source tarball.  Doing so breaks nosetests,
>which by default refuses to import executable files for test-discovery
>purposes as a safety measure.
>This behavior is broken & dangerous.

I don't see how it's either one.  An explanation would be helpful.

Note, by the way, that setuptools is not particularly designed to 
support running tests against an installed package; I myself have 
stopped distributing tests in installed packages and require a source 
installation (e.g. using easy_install --editable) to run tests.

This pattern is particularly important for reducing runtime 
installation requirements, as tests often require additional packages 
(such as nose itself) in order to run.

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