[Distutils] windows installer and setuptools

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Oct 16 14:42:57 CEST 2007

At 02:30 PM 10/16/2007 +0200, henk-jan ebbers wrote:
>But aren't python windows installers supposed to be python-version 

Not if they contain extensions, or are built by setuptools.

>(but then, I do not understand why a (pure) python egg is version dependent).

1. Because it contains compiled bytecode, which is Python version dependent.
2. Because it may contain different contents or dependencies, based 
on the Python version.

#2 is also why setuptools builds version-dependent bdist_wininst installers.

(By the way, please stop emailing me off-list; I don't support 
setuptools except via the distutils-sig mailing list.)

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