[Distutils] setuptools 0.6c6 released

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu May 31 19:56:32 CEST 2007

I've uploaded a new release version of setuptools, 0.6c6, which fixes 
a number of outstanding problems.  Please note that the following 
issues are *not* yet fixed:

* "bdist_wininst upload" on Python 2.5 sometimes tries to upload the .exe twice

* platform-specific eggs don't take precedence over non-platform-specific ones

* error checking of regular+namespace packages isn't sufficient (you 
can still specify silly things and get silly results)

* data files specifed only via package_data may not be included in a 
generated sdist

This is probably not a complete list, either.  I've got a much longer 
TODO list, but most of the rest are more like "quirks" than bugs.

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