[Distutils] Windows installer, setuptools and distritools

henk-jan ebbers hjebbers at gmail.com
Wed May 30 18:03:29 CEST 2007

either a user uses the executable-windows-installer (with 
postinstallation script, but dependencies are not resolved),
or a user uses easy_install <egg> (without postinstallation script, but 
dependencies are resolved)

Is it possible to place something like 'easy_install <dependecies>' in 
the postinstallation script?

best regards, Henk-Jan

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 12:57 PM 5/30/2007 +0200, henk-jan ebbers wrote:
>> I have 2 questions about using setuptools for a windows installer:
>> 1.    I want to make a executable-windows-installer with setuptools
>> (bdist_wininst) .
>>     in setup.py I place a dependency:     install_requires =
>> ["TurboGears >= 1.0.1",],
>>     installation is not zip-safe:        zip_safe=False,
>>     The target-machine (where I do the install) has easy_install already
>> installed.
>>     Am I right that when I install this executable-windows-installer the
>> dependency is not automatically installed?
> That's correct.
>>     Or is there a way to do this with setuptools that I have overlooked?
>> 2.    in distritools it is possible to use a postinstallation script
>> (*--install-script *option).
>>     (which I want to use shortcuts in menu's).
>>     This is not possible in setuptools?
> It's possible with bdist_wininst, but if a user installs the .exe 
> using easy_install, the postinstall script will be ignored.

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