[Distutils] Eggs not picking up some files

Raphael Ritz r.ritz at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Fri May 25 09:30:29 CEST 2007

David Pratt schrieb:
> I've got sort of a strange issue with eggs for distribution to pypi. I 
> am using the following command to create a egg and send it to pypi and 
> it is omitting my .zcml files from the egg somehow.
> I export the source from svn and then run:
> python setup.py register bdist_egg sdist upload
> I thought maybe there was some sort of issue on my platform. I am on 
> MacOSX 10.4.9 so tried from on of my FreeBSD servers and getting same 
> thing. Probably something simple but hoping someone has an explanation. 
> Many thanks.

Maybe you post your setup.py here as well?

Or in case you have not seen this yet


may already provide an answer.


> Regards,
> David
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