[Distutils] Compile Windows64 AMD64

Alexander Michael lxander.m at gmail.com
Sun May 20 14:03:35 CEST 2007

On 5/18/07, Mowry, Peter <peter.mowry at amd.com> wrote:
>  So I tried ctypes, and it just worked (without any build issues - in fact
> I didn't have to build anything or write any code).  Is there any reason I'd
> want to write an extend python module (to load my shared library and run
> exported functions from it) that compiles with distutils, instead of just
> using ctypes?  Thanks
If I can accomplish the task with ctypes, I use it. While distutils
generally does a good job with compiling extension modules, using ctypes
allows you to avoid distributing platform specific packages which will make
your life a bit easier. Additionally, I find it faster to work with ctypes
as I can avoid the compile step required for developing extension module.

While ctypes is part of Python 2.5, your users will need to install it for
Python 2.3 and 2.4. If you need to target earlier versions of Python (*not
as typical these days), then ctypes won't work for you. Unfortunately,
ctypes is not available as an egg, so you won't be able to take advantage of
setuptool's easy_install to ensure that your user has installed all the

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