[Distutils] entry points

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Jul 25 00:09:30 CEST 2007

At 05:21 PM 7/24/2007 -0400, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>Why do entry point values use a colon to separate the module from the

First off, an entry point need not be callable in the general 
case.  Classes and arbitrary data structures can be entry points, 
too.  Heck, Chandler parcel entry points are just a module name.

>   Couldn't you just as easily use a "normal" Python dotted
>path, the last component of which would of course be the callable?
>E.g. instead of
>      # ...
>      entry_points = {'blogtool.parsers': '.rst = some_module:SomeClass'}
>      # ...
>      entry_points = {'blogtool.parsers': '.rst = some_module.SomeClass'}
>That would seem a bit more Pythonic.

Perhaps, but it's also a PITA to implement correctly in the presence 
of things like classmethods and other objects that could be 
legitimate targets for entry points.  It requires a fair amount of 
error trapping, and the precise errors aren't always the same from 
one version of Python to the next.  (Note, btw, that a module itself 
can be a valid entry point.)

So, even though I implemented that algorithm correctly in 
peak.util.imports many years ago (available now as a standalone 
package "Importing" from the Cheeseshop), I decided to never do it 
again anywhere else.  And since pkg_resources needs to be able to run 
without any other packages installed, I did the practical thing 
instead of the pure thing, by requiring people to be explicit instead 
of implicit.  :)

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