[Distutils] distutils.util.get_platform() for Windows

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Jul 24 00:53:58 CEST 2007

At 08:12 AM 7/24/2007 +1000, Mark Hammond wrote:
>Dave writes:
> > I could be mistaken, but I believe the standard abbreviations
> > for these
> > architectures are 'x86_64' (intel/amd chipset) and 'ia64'
> > (itanium) --
> > see the first two paragraphs of the wikipedia article on
> > Itanium for an
> > example:
> >     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itanium
> >
> > So how about something like:
> >     win-x86_64
> >     win-ia64
>Good point - but I'm not that keen on 'x86_64' - it seems a little too long,
>especially as we will not be using 'x86_32', and the extra characters don't
>seem like they will help resolve confusion (ie, if someone doesn't know what
>architecture they are using, the extra '86' isn't going to help).
>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64 notes that 'x64' is a common name, so
>how does 'win-x64' and 'win-ia64' sound as a compromise?  I'm happy to let
>any other informal "votes" make a final decision though...

win-x64 and win-ia64 sound fine to me, for whatever that's worth.  :)

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