[Distutils] setuptools --no-dependencies option needed?

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Jul 3 22:25:44 CEST 2007

At 12:46 PM 7/3/2007 -0700, Rob Cakebread wrote:
>There is one minor problem which will only happen when we miss a 
>dependency. If a package has test_requires it will try to download 
>and install packages when we run setup.py test. For instance in 
>rdflib it will try to install nose.
>It would be nice to  be able to make it abort instead, but that's 
>not a big deal like install_requires pre-0.6a11

Well, you can configure "--allow-hosts=localhost" for easy_install, 
e.g. by putting this in an appropriate distutils .cfg file:

allow_hosts = localhost

And then it won't download.

However, I'm not sure if this is really a problem.  Any eggs that get 
downloaded for tests aren't actually installed; they're just dumped 
in the setup.py directory and added to sys.path during the test 
run.  They don't get installed with the package.

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