[Distutils] failing to build quadtree if the package is already installed

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Jan 26 18:03:07 CET 2007

At 11:11 AM 1/26/2007 -0500, Kurt Schwehr wrote:
>Sorry if this kind of thing has already been discussed.  I am packaging 
>quadtree for Mac OSX/fink (deb based package management) and am getting a 
>failed build if the package is alread installed and I am trying to do a 
>rebuild.  Can someone point me at what needs to be changed?  Is this 
>because quadtree is a namespace?

Yes, and it shouldn't be, since its __init__.py contains actual code, and 
is missing a namespace declaration.  (The whole point of a namespace 
package is that the package itself shouldn't contain any code.  After all, 
in a --single-version-externally-managed install, the __init__.py will not 
even be *there*.)

So, this is a packaging error on the part of the quadtree 
developer(s).  Most likely, quadtree is not really a namespace package and 
should not be declared as one, because the only reason to do that is if 
there are modules or subpackages under that package that are distributed 
*separately*.  My guess is that the author saw a namespace declaration in 
some other project's setup.py and thought it was required boilerplate 
instead of an option.

>20070118/externals/Quadtree/quadtree/__init__.py", line 2, in <module>
>     from _tree import Quadtree
>ImportError: No module named _tree
>cat quadtree/__init__.py
>from _tree import Quadtree
>And, here is the setup.py file:
>from setuptools import setup, Extension
>_tree = Extension('quadtree._tree',
>                   sources=['quadtree/_treemodule.c',
>                            'shapelib/shptree.c',
>                            'shapelib/shpopen.c'],
>                   include_dirs=['shapelib']
>                   )
>setup(name          = 'Quadtree',
>       version       = '0.1.1',
>       description   = 'Quadtree spatial index for Python GIS',
>       license       = 'BSD',
>       keywords      = 'spatial index',
>       author        = 'Sean Gillies',
>       author_email  = ' <mailto:sgillies at frii.com>sgillies at frii.com',
>       maintainer    = 'Sean Gillies',
>       maintainer_email  = '<mailto:sgillies at frii.com>sgillies at frii.com',
>       url               = ' 
> <http://icon.stoa.org/trac/pleiades/wiki/QuadTree>http://icon.stoa.org/trac/pleiades/wiki/QuadTree',
>       packages      = ['quadtree'],
>       namespace_packages    = ['quadtree'],
>       ext_modules   = [_tree],
>       classifiers   = [
>         'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha',
>         'Intended Audience :: Developers',
>         'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
>         'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
>         'Operating System :: OS Independent',
>         'Programming Language :: C',
>         'Programming Language :: Python',
>         'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: GIS',
>         'Topic :: Database',
>         ],

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