[Distutils] Unknown hostname 'svn.eby-sarna.com'

Patrick K. O'Brien pobrien at orbtech.com
Wed Jan 24 18:34:45 CET 2007


Any idea what's happening with svn.eby-sarna.com?

Best match: Pylons dev
Downloading http://pylonshq.com/svn/Pylons/trunk#egg=Pylons-dev
Doing subversion checkout from http://pylonshq.com/svn/Pylons/trunk to
subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/client.c:125: (apr_err=670007)
svn: Unknown hostname 'svn.eby-sarna.com'
Processing trunk
Running setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir
Traceback (most recent call last):

Patrick K. O'Brien
Orbtech       http://www.orbtech.com
Schevo        http://www.schevo.org
Louie         http://www.pylouie.org

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