[Distutils] [setuptools] egg_info and install_requires

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Jan 5 08:06:17 CET 2007

On 4 Jan, 2007, at 22:44, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 04:24 PM 1/2/2007 +0100, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a setup.py that has some projects in the install_requires list
>> that setuptools cannot find yet (I haven't build the eggs yet) and
>> noticed something odd. When there is not yet an .egg-info directory
>> for my project everything is fine, I can run distutils commands
>> (except install of course).
>> However, when the .egg-info directory is present all distutils
>> commands fail, including the egg_info command, because I'm refering
>> to a non-existing distribution. Is this supposed to happen?
> I'm not sure I understand the question.  Could you provide more  
> details, such as a link to the source, and what commands exactly  
> are needed to produce the problem?  Thanks.

I'll see if I can whip up an example, a link to the source is not  
possible. What I thought to be a minimal example of the problem turns  
out to work correctly, I'll let you know when I find out what was wrong.

A hopefull clearer explanation of the problem is that I have an empty  
package with a setup.py like this:




         packages = [],

The idea behind this is that the user will be able to use  
'easy_install mypkg' and then will automaticly get the real software.  
The problem I ran into is that 'python setup.py bdist_egg' worked  
fine the first time, but the second time setuptools complained that  
it couldn't find a suitable distribution, e.g.:

Couldn't find index page for 'i_dont_exist' (maybe misspelled?)
No local packages or download links found for i_dont_exist
Traceback (most recent call last):
distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution  
for Requirement.parse('i_dont_exist')

As I mentioned before the setup.py int this message does NOT suffer  
from this problem.

.... never mind, I found the actual problem, I had introduced a  
circular dependency through setup_requires.

Sorry about bothering you,



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