[Distutils] Declaring "already provided" modules

Martin Aspeli optilude at gmx.net
Sat Apr 28 18:05:37 CEST 2007

Hi guys,

I have a particular problem which I think we'll see a lot more of going 
forward. Zope 3 is in the process of being eggified, and we have eggs in 
the cheesehop of things like zope.component 3.4.0a1.

I use zc.buildout to configure a Zope instance (a zope 2.10 one, to be 
precise) which has the various zope.* packages in non-egg-format in 

Then I'm depending on a package which does this:


The problem is that even though I know I have zope.component 3.3 from my 
Zope instance, setuptools/buildout doesn't know that and tries to 
resolve the dependency. It succeeds with Zope 3.4's zope.component, 
which then causes runtime conflicts and subtle problems all over the place.

I think what I need is some way of saying "all of these dependencies are 
already resolved, don't try to get them as new eggs". Is that possible? 
Is there another way I can manage this?


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