[Distutils] disappointed by setupTools

Pierre Imbaud pierre at saiph.com
Thu Oct 26 07:19:16 CEST 2006

Matt Good wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 16:57 -0400, Pierre Imbaud wrote:
>>I just discovered scripts dont get installed directly (in
>>/usr/local/bin), instead a wrapper in installed, that calls the
>>script. So an extra file is involved, and extra code, every time the
>>script is called. Makes some overhead, and it breaks a simple
>>mechanism I use: my script is able to perform many actions, based on
>>its name (much like cp, mv and ln are the same executable). at
>>install, I need to make symlinks to the script, one per action, and
>>this was automated: this is broken by the wrapping. No big deal, just
>>makes things less simple.
> Actually installing scripts with setuptools is very easy:
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#automatic-script-creation
> In your entry points simply put the names of the scripts you want and
> the Python function that script will run.  Now you don't need to do your
> own symlink hack to get it all to work.  Just put the functions into a
> Python module and list them in setup.py.
works fine, indeed.
problem was I already had this set of functions, but with some general 
processing before functions get called (for arguments, for instance):
Had to dismantle all this to adopt this new policy.

> The setuptools method also fixes problems with making scripts work in a
> cross-platform manner, makes sure your scripts work correctly if someone
> installs two versions of the same package on their system, and ensures
> that scripts are run with the correct Python version in case it's not
> the default Python executable on the system.

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