[Distutils] compiler selection with bdist_egg of setuptools

Venkat Bommakanti venkatbo at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 11 05:26:41 CEST 2006

>>If I knew where gcc/and-its-options were being
>>ascertained, config'd, and used, then I could theoretically intervene and have
>>it point to my gcc and use my settings for it...
>>Again, Philip, thanks a bunch for all the time you've spent helping me on 

>No problem, just remember that neither distutils nor setuptools officially 
>provide any support whatsoever for cross-compilation.  If you actually 
>succeed in getting something to work, I suggest writing up a HowTo or at 
>least a description of what you ended up doing, so that others can benefit 
>from your trials.

I'm getting closer to this, albeit in baby steps... :-)
Will surely write one up - as soon as I have this working.

If this doesn't workout, may have to just unpack the distros, use makefiles
for each and build the cross .so's that ways... Was hoping to levelrage all 
the work that has already gone into distutils / setuptools.

Thanks again,

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