[Distutils] cross compiling using setuptools

Venkat Bommakanti venkatbo at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 8 23:24:59 CEST 2006

>At 02:07 PM 10/8/2006 -0700, Venkat Bommakanti wrote:
>>So, how would I specify that variance in just **one** ~/.pydistutils.cfg 
>>OR is there a way to have setuptools pickup different versions of this 
>>file, based on the <target> chosen for the makefile.

>You could use different values of $HOME, since that's where the per-user 
>config file is read from.

Wondering if a "setup.cfg" for this component (TG) in the component's 
directory itself, will serve the purpose. That ways, each developer
wouldn't have maintain thier own ~/.pydistutils.cfg files.

Thanks again,

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