[Distutils] error: None

Nathan R. Yergler nathan at yergler.net
Mon May 22 17:59:29 CEST 2006

Thanks to Phillip for the insight into the interaction between
command-line arguments and options.  So another question regarding error
reporting.  When I so something like:

$ PYTHONPATH=lib/ python ez_setup.py --install-dir lib/ --script-dir
bin/ --site-dirs lib/ zope.testing

setuptools is bootstrapped correctly, and zope.testing and its
dependencies are downloaded and installed.  However, at the end of the
run you get a message like:

Installed /home/nathan/Projects/zope.i18n/lib/setuptools-0.6b1-py2.4.egg
Processing dependencies for setuptools==0.6b1
error: None

Does anyone have any insights into this?  From the output it looks like
it's processing the zope.testing and zope.testing dependencies first,
then setuptools.  Even with the error, everything seems to be installed
correctly; I can just see how the message would be disconcerting to some

Thanks again,


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