[Distutils] Requirent specifiers specified? :)

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Jun 22 22:12:36 CEST 2006

On Jun 22, 2006, at 4:08 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:
>>>> A simple state machine is used to implement this:
>>>> state_machine = {
>>>>     #       =><
>>>>     '<' :  '--T',
>>>>     '<=':  'T-T',
>>>>     '>' :  'F+F',
>>>>     '>=':  'T+F',
>>>>     '==':  'T..',
>>>>     '!=':  'F++',
>>>> }
>>>> cmp() is used to determine whether the version is =, >, or < than
>>>> the condition's version, and the appropriate row and column is
>>>> pulled from the above table.  "T" means "sure accept", "F" means
>>>> "sure reject", "+" means "tentative accept", and "-" means
>>>> "tentative reject".  ("." means "don't care".)  The state machine
>>>> simply compares versions until its sure or there are no more to
>>>> compare.
>>> I don't understand the meaning of the values in the dictionary  
>>> above.
>>> Do the character positions reflect states somehow?
>> It's a truth table: the rows are condition operators, and the  
>> columns are cmp() results.  It is simply a transcription of the  
>> rules about points and bounds that I spelled out verbally, reduced  
>> to a table lookup on the condition and the comparison results.
> OK, than makes sense.  So, with the requirement: >1, <3, >5, <7
> So let's see, with 4, we get +-F and we reject it.  OK, that makes  
> sense.
> The state machine helps a lot.   My question is now answered.
> I think that the fact that you need to understand a non-trivial  
> algorithm
> with a state machine to understand how non-trivial specifications are
> interpreted is a problem.  Maybe it's enough to tell people "don't
> use complex specifications", but maybe it would be better to use a
> simpler system.

I also think that the complete algorithm, including the state machine
needs to be documented clearly.  Your original paragraph really
isn't adequate.

Maybe, you should document simple cases and refer to the full
complex model for non-trivial cases.


Jim Fulton			mailto:jim at zope.com		Python Powered!
CTO 				(540) 361-1714			http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation	http://www.zope.com		http://www.zope.org

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