[Distutils] Requirent specifiers specified? :)

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Jun 22 21:20:26 CEST 2006

On Jun 22, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 02:20 PM 6/22/2006 -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> On Jun 22, 2006, at 1:56 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:
>>> I assume you are alluding to what I assume is the case that that
>>> there is an implicit
>>> >-infinity and <infinity, so the above example becomes:
>> No, that can't be right.  If that were so, then
>>   ==1.2 would be meaningless
>> So I have no idea what you were trying to say.
> The infinities are implied only if they are needed to complete a  
> pairing with an actual condition.
>> The more I find out about the specification specification, the
>> less I understand it.
> Exactly, so stop trying to understand it, and you'll see how  
> obvious it is.  :)

Ah, if only it was.

> The implementation scans from left to right until it's *sure* that  
> the version is either accepted or rejected.  Each condition is a  
> point, a bound, or a point and a bound.  If the version matches the  
> "point" part of condition, it's an exact match and you are *sure*  
> of an accept, unless it's a "!=", in which case you're *sure* it's  
> a reject.
> If the version falls below an upper bound (< or <=), you are also  
> *sure* that it's accepted.  If it is above an upper bound, it is  
> *tentatively* rejected.

So given:    >1, <3, >5, <7
You are sure that 4 is accepted?

Given:  <2, <5
Is 3 accepted or rejected?

> If the version falls below a lower bound (> or >=), you are *sure*  
> that it's rejected.  If it is above a lower bound, it is  
> *tentatively* accepted.

So given:    >1, <3, >5, <7
You are sure that 2 is rejected?

> If you reach the end of the conditions without being "sure" of  
> anything, then your most recent tentative acceptance or rejection  
> is used.
> A simple state machine is used to implement this:
> state_machine = {
>     #       =><
>     '<' :  '--T',
>     '<=':  'T-T',
>     '>' :  'F+F',
>     '>=':  'T+F',
>     '==':  'T..',
>     '!=':  'F++',
> }
> cmp() is used to determine whether the version is =, >, or < than  
> the condition's version, and the appropriate row and column is  
> pulled from the above table.  "T" means "sure accept", "F" means  
> "sure reject", "+" means "tentative accept", and "-" means  
> "tentative reject".  ("." means "don't care".)  The state machine  
> simply compares versions until its sure or there are no more to  
> compare.

I don't understand the meaning of the values in the dictionary above.
Do the character positions reflect states somehow?


Jim Fulton			mailto:jim at zope.com		Python Powered!
CTO 				(540) 361-1714			http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation	http://www.zope.com		http://www.zope.org

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