[Distutils] namespace_packages

Charlie Moad cwmoad at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 19:35:41 CET 2006

Following the instruction for setuptools, I am trying to make
matplotlib and basemap (a mpl toolkit) share the namespace
"matplotlib/toolkits".  I can build and install the eggs no problems. 
"matplotlib/toolkits" is in both's "EGG-INFO/namespace_packages.txt"
files.  I have added __init__.py files with
"__import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)" in both the
mpl and basemap matplotlib/toolkits folders.  Basically I have done a
ton of playing around and "from matplotlib.toolkits import basemap"
will not work.  It is always limited to the scope of the matplotlib
egg which it is hitting first.  Are the docs not reflective of the
0.6a9 release?  Any help is greatly appreciated.


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