[Distutils] [setuptools] When .py files are "data", strange things happen

Jeff Pitman jeff.pitman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 05:51:35 CET 2006

On 1/5/06, David Handy <david at handysoftware.com> wrote:
> I just want to treat certain .py files as data files. The "data" .py files
> are in a subdirectory of a python package, but the directory in which they
> directly reside does not contain an __init__.py file, so they are not
> directly importable. So I don't think .pyc files should be generated for
> them in any case.

Do they *have* to end in .py? I've seen apps that end in .cfg or .dat
and happly execfile them into their program space.

This is not to say that setuptools shouldn't be improved. I'm just
curious as to the choice of the extension. (syntax highlighting
concerns can be alleviated for vim and emacs by using a comment).


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