[Distutils] Passing build_ext arguments to easy_install?

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Tue Aug 8 18:02:55 CEST 2006

On Aug 8, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

> At 10:43 AM 8/8/2006 -0400, Jim Fulton wrote:
>> One hack I can think of is to use --editible and --build-directory to
>> download the package, write a setup.cfg into the resulting directory
>> and then run easy_install on the result.  I would hope though that
>> there is a better way. :)
> Not at the moment, no.  However, you could subclass easy_install  
> and override the 'run_setup()' method to edit the setup.cfg first.   
> The setuptools.command.setopt module includes some nice routines  
> for editing setup.cfg files, so that you won't even overwrite  
> settings you don't care about.

OK, I'll look at that when I get a chance.  Thanks. Would you be  
interested in some sort of patch for 0.7 to make it possible to pass  
this information to easy_install?


Jim Fulton			mailto:jim at zope.com		Python Powered!
CTO 				(540) 361-1714			http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation	http://www.zope.com		http://www.zope.org

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