[Distutils] Setuptools / Python2.5 status ?

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Wed Apr 26 22:57:55 CEST 2006

At 10:35 PM 4/26/2006 +0200, Philippe Normand wrote:
>I've read in PEP 356 that setuptools in the completed features list of
>Python2.5. Then i've read a mail from Phillip telling setuptools in now
>in Python trunk :
>But PEP 356 mentions that bdist_egg won't be part of Python2.5, so i'm
>a bit confused.

Things are in flux at the moment; there were some objections to setuptools' 
inclusion and for the moment it has been pulled from the 2.5 trunk.  There 
will be a PEP and a re-review for inclusion plans in 2.5.

>If i want to distribute software using Eggs for Python2.5, do the final
>user or admin still needs to install setuptools himself ?

Currently, yes.  However, 2.5 is "egg-ready" in various other respects; for 
example 'pydoc' works correctly with zipped eggs now, and the traceback 
module should be able to display source code lines for them.  Also, 
packages installed via the distutils under Python 2.5 will include a 
.egg-info file so that setuptools will be able to detect their presence, 
and will not reinstall them if a suitable version is already present.

>If bdist_egg wouldn't be part of Python2.5, it would be impossible for
>developers to build Eggs, is that right ? So he'd still need to install
>setuptools yet ?

This is correct.  At the moment, installation of setuptools is still 
required.  This may be revisited again by 2.5 alpha 3.  However, since the 
addition met with some very strong (if terribly belated) opposition, there 
will be a PEP first.

>BTW this is probably off-topic, but does anybody has news about alpha2 ?
>PEP 356 says it should have been released yesterday and i've seen
>nothing so far.

I believe the SVN freeze for cutting the release is about to begin.  I 
would expect it to be ready by the weekend.

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