[Distutils] cli.exe missing from py2.3 egg?

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Oct 31 22:40:02 CET 2005

At 11:22 AM 10/31/2005 +0000, Richard Cooper wrote:
>I've just tried installing setuptools 0.6a6 so that I could install nose
>(http://somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/) via easy_install
>but I've hit a problem.
>It looks like cli.exe and gui.exe are not getting installed. To check I
>manually downloaded both setuptools-0.6a6-py2.4.egg and
>setuptools-0.6a6-py2.3.egg from the cheeseshop and opened them with a
>Zip viewer. Sure enough the py2.4 egg contains both exes but the py2.3
>one doesn't. Should the py2.3 egg include these files?

Yes it should.  I've just released 0.6a7 to fix this.  It was mostly a 
problem in my release build process, which dynamically generated different 
entry points for 2.3 and 2.4.  Unfortunately, using dynamic entry points in 
setuptools' own setup.py gets into some head-exploding circularities that 
led to data files not being included in the 2.3 releases.  I believe I've 
fixed this now.

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