[Distutils] bdist_wininst and install directory.

Martin Blais blais at furius.ca
Thu Oct 27 23:59:26 CEST 2005


I tried using bdist_wininst to generate a self-extracting executable,
and it works great except for one thing: I cannot change the
installation root default, and when it runs the user cannot change the
value either.  My target users --at a client site, intranet, small
private tool-- will not have administrative privileges and will not be
able to use that.

I tracked down the source of this setting and it is hardcoded in the
source code for wininst-7.1.exe, in the variable new_scheme.

1.  Is there any particular reason for this state of affairs?  Why
isn't the default value from [install] used?  If I made a fix for this
to work, would anyone have objections/

2. Why can't the user change the directory name where the files are
going to be installed?

Without this ability, this otherwise very pleasant setup target is
useless to me, and I would assume to many others.


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