[Distutils] linking modules to a shared library

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sun Oct 2 12:21:54 CEST 2005

On 30-sep-2005, at 19:57, Stephen Langer wrote:

> Hi --
> I have a problem that is similar to one discussed in a thread from a
> year ago,
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2004-September/
> 004160.html, but that thread doesn't quite have a resolution in the
> archives.
> I'd like to use distutils to build a bunch of python modules that all
> link to the same shared library.  The shared library is all C++
> code.  On Linux, without distutils, I can build the libraries like  
> this:
>    g++ -o libBase.so -shared base.C    # builds the common shared
> library
>    g++ -o _mymodule.so -shared mymodule.C -lBase # builds a python
> module
>                                                  # linking to the
> shared lib.
>    g++ -o _othermodule.so -shared othermodule.C -lBase # and so on
> _mymodule.so and _othermodule.so can be imported by Python, and share
> a single copy of the code in libBase.so.
> On the Mac I can get the same effect with this:
>    g++ -dynamiclib base.C -o libBase.dylib
>    g++ -o _mymodule.so mymodule.C -lBase -bundle -undefined
> dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace
>    g++ -o _othermodule.so othermodule.C -lBase -bundle -undefined
> dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace

Don't use -flat_namespace. Search the pythonmac SIG archives if you  
want a more elaborate rant :-).

> Is it possible to create libBase portably with distutils?  It's
> possible to do it on Linux by  subclassing build_ext.build_ext and
> explicitly using self.compiler.compile() and
> self.compiler.link_shared_lib() to build the shared library before
> calling build_ext.build_ext.build_extensions().  But the same thing
> on Mac OS X only creates libBase.so, whereas I need it to create
> libBase.dylib.

I don't know if this is possible, although I'd guess it is not.

> If it matters, I'm using OS X 10.4.2 and gcc 3.3, with Python 2.3.5.
> Many thanks,
>            Steve
> --
> -- EMail: stephen.langer at nist.gov                    Phone: (301)  
> 975-5423 --
> -- WWW:  http://math.nist.gov/mcsd/Staff/SLanger/    Fax:   (301)  
> 990-4127 --
> -- Mail: NIST; 100 Bureau Drive -- Stop 8910; Gaithersburg, Md   
> 20899-8910 --
> -- "I don't think this will work.  That's why it's  
> science."               --
> --                                      Naomi Langer,  17 Feb  
> 2003         --
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