[Distutils] EasyInstall: installing non-distutil packages

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Mon May 30 07:46:35 CEST 2005

Ian Bicking wrote:
> Hrm... but I don't really like it.  First, force_package is passed into 
> Installer.__init__, and it should be part of the spec.  Also, I don't 
> think you always need to explicitly give the package name, sometimes it 
> is self-evident.  Also it doesn't work with plain Python files, which 
> can't even be properly downloaded at this point, and for which eggs seem 
> a little excessive.  (To give an example of a single file I'd like to be 
> able to install: 
> http://bellsouthpwp.net/m/e/mefjr75/python/PySourceColor.py)

Maybe this kind of thing shouldn't be installed similarly at all.  These 
files don't have versions and there's no real benefit to turning them 
into egg files.  The benefits are all fake when we make up the metadata.

Maybe a simpler way of doing this, besides patching, would just be a 
kind of shortcut installation.  Python source files and package 
directories just get installed directly (into site-packages or 
--install-dir).  Crude but transitional.

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  / http://blog.ianbicking.org

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