[Distutils] SuSE 10.0 & distutils

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Dec 30 18:25:13 CET 2005

At 11:11 AM 12/30/2005 -0600, cmire wrote:
>I have SuSE 10.0 installed on my machine, and it comes with Python 2.4.1.
>I've been trying to build Zope on this box, and I'm getting an error that it
>can't find distutils.cmd.  I did some digging, and it appears this is part of
>distutils.core, and according to the distutils download page, distutils
>should be already included with Python versions above 1.6.
>I checked where my system has Python installed, and it's
>at /usr/lib/python2.4.  I did a find for that directory and all the
>subdirectories for anything distutils, and nothing came back.
>Is it just a straightforward thing to download the distutils tar file and
>install it, or since it wasn't included with my Python install (and should
>have been), is there anything special I should check or be aware of?

Some Linux distributions split Python into multiple system packages; the 
missing package is probably an RPM (or whatever SuSE uses for packaging) 
called "python-dev" or "python-devel".  Install that and you should be good 
to go.

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