[Distutils] bdist_nsis, bdist_deb, bdist_msi, bdist_inno, bdist_pkgtool, bdist_sdux, bdist_mpkg, etc.

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Tue Dec 20 16:41:30 CET 2005

At 03:40 PM 12/20/2005 +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>AFAIK, easy_install doesn't
>provide any kind of authenticity control - probably due to
>the fact that PyPI doesn't have this feature. At least the
>MD5 sum should be checked, but for this, the PyPI registry
>would have to provide this information in some way.

EasyInstall verifies the MD5 sums for files downloaded from PyPI, and the 
--allow-hosts option allows you to restrict what hosts will be 
contacted.  It also allows you to create your own package lists with MD5 
sums (using "#md5=...." on the end of download URLs).  You can then 
restrict to hosts in your intranet, or only download from python.org, 
etc.  You can also just block downloading altogether (--allow-hosts=none) 
and just see what URLs it spits out as rejected, then go manually download 
things into a directory, and use --find-links=downloadsdir or just pass the 
filenames on the command line.  And since easy_install is a distutils 
command, you can configure all of those options in the standard distutils 
config files.

--allow-hosts is in the EasyInstall manual, but the MD5 bit isn't currently 
documented.  The manual should probably have a section on setting up your 
own package index(es) and access control in general, as right now you have 
to just dig through the options reference to find out about all of this 
stuff.  In 0.7 there will be a "nest" command that will offer the same 
functionality through a different interface, as right now the EasyInstall 
options are a combinatorial explosion of different things you can do.  Nest 
will offer separate commands for separate functions.  For example, to fetch 
a package's source into a subdirectory of the current directory, you would 
now do:

     easy_install -eb. somepackage

but in 0.7 there will be a "nest source" command:

     nest source somepackage

In other words, different use cases for the tools will have their own 
commands and their own documentation, rather than using a slew of options 
that interact with each other in non-obvious ways.

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