[Distutils] Splitting large packages into multiple eggs

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Sun Dec 11 22:37:37 CET 2005

I'm currently refactoring PyObjC and py2app to be setuptools- 
friendly, but one issue I'm coming across is that PyObjC is a large  
package, and normally people wouldn't want to include all of it.  The  
way to do that would be to split it up into lots of eggs, so py2app  
can include the subset of eggs that are necessary.

The issue at hand is how to structure the setup.py to support  
creation of multiple eggs, with an egg for installation purposes that  
depends on everything.  PyObjC can be broken up into about 30 eggs,  
one for each package, one for the Xcode support (which depends on  
py2app and altgraph), one for all of the tests (or maybe separate  
eggs for each test suite).  Obviously I'm not looking to create 30+  
setup.py files, so what do I do?


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