[Distutils] py2exe and eggs

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Aug 19 18:32:34 CEST 2005

At 12:20 PM 8/19/2005 -0400, Jay Parlar wrote:
>Sorry to relaunch this topic, but I continue to have general problems
>with eggs and py2exe.

I guess I'll add it to my list to see if I can create a py2exe wrapper for 
setuptools.  Or, since Thomas is now playing with setuptools also, perhaps 
he, Kevin, and I can work something out to make py2exe work as a setuptools 
extension.  Since setuptools provides hooks for such extensions to add 
setup() keywords and new commands, maybe we can get py2exe hooked in such 
that it just adds the required eggs to the zipfile in "basket" mode, and 
doesn't bother tracking imports to packages found in eggs.  (Except maybe 
for pkg_resources, which it should just always include in the zipfile.)

>Is there any way that easy_install can be used to install an egg, but
>"un-egg" it, ie. install it into a directory in site-packages, as
>would normally be done if just distutils were being used?

You can build a bdist_wininst from a source checkout, and then run the 
generated Windows installer.  Or you can use individual commands like 
install_lib, install_data, install_scripts, and so on.  Setuptools doesn't 
modify those commands, so they still have the ability to do non-egg installs.

I suppose I could probably add an option to force the "install" command not 
to install eggs either, and I'll probably have to if/when these features 
get folded back into distutils.

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