[Distutils] [build_ext] more than one external library

Christoph Ludwig cludwig at cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Wed Apr 20 15:23:33 CEST 2005


On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 08:38:11AM -0400, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
> I once had the same concern, but many others, such as build_ext being very
> inflexible in its way to compile extension modules.
> What I ended up with is a set of custom commands ('config', 'build_ext', 
> 'test',
> 'install...') to allow subprojects to be built with standard autotools 
> (autoconf,
> make), but being ultimately controlled by distutils. I then could take 
> advantage
> of distutils packaging infrastructure ('sdist', 'bdist').

Hm, I didn't look into creating custom commands yet. It's certainly an
interesting idea provided it's not too complex. (This is my first project
where I use Python so I am still somewhat green.)

> Doing this the build/install procedure is now
> python setup.py config <all parameters you'd normally pass to 'configure'>
> python setup.py build
> python setup.py test (optional)
> python setup.py install

In the short term I will probably settle for a README that tells the user to
modify the library names in setup.py. But in the long term your approach would
allow me to merge the Python extension module with the library it calls.

Are you in a position (and willing, of course) to share the code for above
mentioned commands?

> It all works quite well, though I would prefer not to use a hybride build 
> system.
> (I'm still waiting for alternatives such as scons or boost.build to mature.)

Agreed. For the time being we will have to make do, though.



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