[Distutils] Extending distutils with 3rd party build commands?

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Sat Oct 23 17:40:22 CEST 2004

On 23-okt-04, at 15:31, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> On Oct 23, 2004, at 8:21, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> On 21-okt-04, at 14:50, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>>> Well, I want users to be packagers as well.  Not every Python module 
>>> is going to have a prebuilt .mpkg lying around, and using bdist_mpkg 
>>> to install modules has its advantages over a normal setup.py 
>>> install.  The three big ones are: it goes into the installation 
>>> database so you can remove it, [...]
>> How do you uninstall an installed package? I haven't found a system 
>> tool for that yet.
> There isn't one, but the capability is designed into the system.  
> There are 3rd party tools that do it.  Basically you do a lsbom on the 
> receipt and remove what's listed.

That should be save enough for installed python packages and some other 
3th-party packages, but not in general. Some of Apple's packages 
replace files from other packages; you cannot see this in the BOM file 
and the original file is lost forever. Most, if not all, of these 
packages are updates/patches for installed software.


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