[Distutils] Passing in arguments to Distribution?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Sun Nov 21 19:02:40 CET 2004

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 12:49 AM 11/21/04 -0700, Jeremy Kloth wrote:
>> I'm curious as to why the --record option is even needed (as I removed 
>> it on
>> purpose).
> Please don't break '--record'.  I use it to automatically generate a 
> PLIST file for the NetBSD packaging system.
> Not everybody uses RPMs, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are other 
> people who use '--record' to interface with other packaging systems.

I don't think anyone is considering removing --record from
main line distutils. The discussion was about a fork of the
distutils package.

As for the original question on how to pass in parameters:

I don't really understand what Mike is trying to do. Adding
new options to Distribution is certainly possible and
accessing those new options just as well. It is also
possible to pass parameters into its subcommands and
having them reinit themselves (e.g. to trim down the
list of Extension objects; even though it's easier to
do from a build_ext subclass).

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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