[Distutils] Next button not greyed out during file copy.

Phil Rittenhouse Phil.Rittenhouse at dspfactory.com
Thu Jun 24 10:41:50 EDT 2004

Hi all,

I've noticed a problem with a couple of distutils based
installers (py2exe and pywin32) that I think may be a 
problem in all distutils based windows installers.

When you click Next to start the file copy, the Next button
is not greyed out or disabled.  If you click it again, it 
seems to start another file copy process running, because 
you then get an "Overwrite Existing Files?" dialog.  If 
you click Yes, the install may throw a Runtime Error with
the message "The process cannot access the file because 
it is being used by another process..." and it may lock up.

I'm running Python 2.3.3 and have seen this in py2exe 0.5.0
and pywin32 build 201.

Has anyone else seen this?


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