[Distutils] Installing scripts

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Jun 10 19:21:54 EDT 2004

[Mark W. Alexander]
> Sisters?! Wait 'til you have a wife & kids!

By the grace of God, my sisters talked me out of that <wink>.

> I think we're agreed that extensions stay on Windows scripts. On *nix, I
> think they're a nuisance on executables. Also note that official Debian
> packages strips the .pl, .py, .sh, etc., extensions off when upstream
> developers don't, I _think_ as a matter of policy. So maybe we're back to
> a bdist_* based implementation?

If extensions on scripts are unpalatable to the majority of non-Windows
folks, my suggestion remains that the distutils build_scripts command strip
extensions on non-Windows boxes.  Then you get script extensions on, and
only on, Windows boxes.  Of course distutils distributions that don't care
about Windows don't have to add extensions to begin with.  What I don't want
to see is distutils in the business of *adding* extensions on Windows
(because it will end up guessing at appropriate extensions, and will screw
that up sooner or later; removing extensions is a much simpler process).

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