[Distutils] MSVC CRT woes

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Feb 5 15:28:21 EST 2004

"M.-A. Lemburg" <mal at egenix.com> writes:

> Thomas Heller wrote:
>> "Phil Hornby" <phil.hornby at accutest.co.uk> writes:
>>>Could you explicity add an icon as the apps icon - as when I have looked at
>>>the sources there isn't one - so it is hard for me to write code to replace
>>>it - my earlier thread - if it doesn't explicitly exist as I need to know
>>>the resource id to change it...

>> I would have added one if I would have found one that is really free
>> to use legally.  I have to admint that I don't care too much about
>> the icon so I did not search very hard (if at all ;-).
> You should be able to use the snake icon that we use for the
> Python installer (basically the same as the favicon.ico we
> have on python.org). I think it's even included somewhere in
> the distribution... right under PC/pycon.ico.

That looks the same (or very similar) to Python23\py.ico, which is
associated with .py files.

IMO for an installer (even if it installs Python modules) the usual
computer picture with a disc or a disc box beneath it is more

If you look at the default py2exe icon you will notice that I'm very
creative and good making custom icons ;-), so that's not an option.


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