[Distutils] Majordomo results: ßdo0ßi4grjj40j09gjijgpüdé

Majordomo-owner at GreatCircle.COM Majordomo-owner at GreatCircle.COM
Sun Apr 25 01:19:59 EDT 2004

>>>> 9u049u89gh89fsdpokofkdpbm3ß4i
The command "9u049u89gh89fsdpokofkdpbm3ß4i" is invalid.

Use the "help topics" command to see a list of valid commands.

Discarded 2 line(s) of unrecognized text.

Valid commands processed: 0
0 succeeded, 0 stalled, and 0 failed.

-------------- next part --------------
Ignoring part of type application/octet-stream.

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