[Distutils] How can I create prebuilt distributions?

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Fri Feb 14 15:25:49 2003

Thomas Heller wrote:
> "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com> writes:
>>There has been some work put into a package directory recently
>>(see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0301.html) and registering
>>.ppm like files in such a directory would sure make the Python
>>experience an even better one :-)
>>Here's a demo: http://www.amk.ca/cgi-bin/pypi.cgi
>>>I am very interested in doing this still, and I'm hoping that we can
>>>find some resources to do it "right" at some point.  It's true that
>>>we have had to focus on some things beyond others.
>>That would be great :-)
>>The system is missing the "get the stuff and install it" part
>>(which is good, since its better to do this in small steps
>>rather than coming up with big ideas and then losing interest).
> The system is missing more, IMO, and that's the critical part:
> There should be a way to programatically find out which file
> I have to download.  I have suggested this when the PEP was posted,
> but it wasn't included in the PEP afaik.
> Now they have added a download-url field, but there must be convention
> how to interpret it's value IMO (depending on platform, version, and
> so on).
> Again: determining from a Python script which dist-file I have to
> download is the most critical part, all the other stuff has been
> demonstrated in several implementations (ciphon, pypan, maybe more).

Agreed. There should be a list of entries
(distutils platform string, pyversion, disttype, download URL).

There should be enough information to let distutils decide
which version to download. I suppose that the register
command could be made to generate most of this information
from the data used to build the package.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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