[Distutils] Fwd: distutil command lines

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Mon Aug 4 11:23:44 EDT 2003

On Monday, Aug 4, 2003, at 08:47 Europe/Amsterdam, Brandon Long wrote:

> I mailed this to Greg, and he said to try here:
> I've got a project with a python wrapper/extension module (amoung
> others), called ClearSilver http://www.clearsilver.net/
> The package uses autoconf/configure to determine which programs are
> available, and how to build things, etc.  This includes external
> libaries and locations for them, like -lz, -ldb, etc.
> Until recently, I've been just providing a Makefile for compiling the
> python extension, instead of using distutils.  I don't really want to
> deal with compiling the shared library on all of the platforms, though,
> so I figured I'd go and create the setup.py script.
> The trouble is, how to pass the information from configure to the
> setup.py.  I was just going to pass them on the command line, ie from
> Makefile:
>   $(PYTHON) setup.py ext_build $(INCLUDES) $(LIBDIRS) $(LIBS)
> where $(INCLUDES) is a list of -Ipaths and $(LIBDIRS) is a list of
> -Lpaths and $(LIBS) is a list of -llibraries.

I would also like the ability to change definitions from the command 
My use case is a bit different, though: Package Manager installs 
packages automatically, and sometimes it "knows" that some of the 
that distutils grasps from lib/python2.3/config need to be modified.

I think a solution that would fit both my needs and Brandon's would
be something like

It is open to discussion whether the name=value assignments go before 
or after the
"build" command name. The structure of distutils commands would suggest 
before, but
we could also pick them all up in a first pass over argv (similarly to 
what make
does, where you can put them anywhere).
Jack Jansen, <Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

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