[Distutils] lineendings

Andy Robinson andy@reportlab.com
Tue Oct 15 15:47:24 2002

> Why do you think you need support for line ends in distutils ?
> For text data files, maybe ? (Python doesn't have a problem with
> them for source code.)

When you make a package on Windows and ship it to Unix it looks
really ugly in VI  :-)  The converse is true when some sysadmin
opens a Unix-built python file in Notepad. We just assumed that it 
would 'do the right thing' for the platform and normalize stuff 

This is more of a gripe about making zip and tar.gz files than
about anything else. If it's all 'unpacked' then who is to say 
what's right? But if you are making a zip or EXE distro, surely 
known text files or source files should be \r\n, and if a tar.gz 
then just \n.

I presume the answer is that distutils doesn't do this :-)

- Andy