[Distutils] New packagers

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
Wed Mar 6 05:16:01 2002

"Thomas Heller" <thomas.heller@ion-tof.com> writes:

> > It would also be nice if we had a distutils compile farm
> > somewhere; oh well, this will probably stay a dream.
> > 
> I've also thought about this: submit packages (per email, maybe) to
> a server somewhere, and the server runs 'setup.py bdist
> --formats=whatever', and mails the result back. My question is: Can
> this really be made safe?

Seems very unlikely.


  This is not to say C++ = bad, Lisp = good.  It's to say
  C++ = bad irrespective of everything else.
                                       -- Alain Picard, comp.lang.lisp