[Distutils] Skipping compilation of some .py files on "install"?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri May 31 23:35:01 2002

>>>>> "MAL" == M  <mal@lemburg.com> writes:

    >> The email package has two files to help it maintain
    >> compatibility with Python 2.1 and Python 2.2+.  There's a
    >> _compat21.py and a _compat22.py that contains tricky bits that
    >> are different between the two Python versions.
    >> [...]
    >> Naturally Python 2.1 won't be able to compile _compat22.py and
    >> indeed you get a SyntaxError.  Is there a way
    >> -- in my setup.py -- that I can [...] skip byte
    >> compilation of _compat22.py when I find I'm using Python 2.1?

    MAL> Not builtin, but it should be easy to write your own subclass
    MAL> which implements this.

And indeed it was!  Thanks for the hint MAL.  Below is what I came up

-------------------- snip snip --------------------setup.py
import sys
from os.path import basename

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib

class EmailInstall(install_lib):
    def byte_compile(self, files):
        # For Python 2.1.x do not byte compile the _compat22.py file since
        # that will most definitely fail.  Any newer Python can compile
        # everything.
        major, minor = sys.version_info[0:2]
        if major == 2 and minor == 1:
            files = [f for f in files if basename(f) <> '_compat22.py']
        return install_lib.byte_compile(self, files)

      description='Next generation MIME library',
      author='Barry Warsaw',
      # Because we need to selectively byte-compile
      cmdclass={'install_lib': EmailInstall},